Essentials of Core Activation
The core is the body’s powerhouse for any physical activity. In order to effectively train the core, we must be able to mindfully control it. Conscious contraction of the core muscles is key to automatically turn on your core during more complicated movements later on. If you are someone who struggles getting up and down from the floor or couch, these exercises will strengthen the deep core muscles that will help you move easier.
Use these 3 exercises to consciously train and strengthen core muscles and help you get off the floor
1. Diaphragmatic breathing
Lie on your back with legs flat on the floor and take a big breath in (the stomach should rise). As you exhale, contract the deep muscles of the stomach bringing the belly button into the spine. This exercise not only strengthens the deep core muscles, but also helps to synchronize the activation of the muscles with the mind.
Repeat for 10 breaths.
2. Dead Bug, modified
Lie on your back with your legs at 90 degrees and arms either straight over the chest or by the sides. It’s essential that the lower back is in constant contact with the floor. This is done by using the same method as Exercise 1, contracting the core and bringing the belly button into the spine.
Repeat 5 repetitions per side.
3. Turkish Get Up, modified
Once you become comfortable performing Exercises 1 and 2, go ahead and give this exercise a try. If you have trouble with it, continue working on Exercises 1 and 2 and come back to exercise 3 at a later date.
Start off by lying on your back with one knee bent and a little bit off to the side, while the other leg is flat and off to the other side. Raise the arm that is on the same side as the bent knee over the chest and place the other arm about 45 degrees to the side of the body. To begin the movement, contract the core and leverage the body onto the forearm by using the two contact points; the leg that is bent on one side and the flat arm on the other side. Don’t make the mistake of trying to crunch straight up, try to point your chest to an adjacent wall by pulling the body onto the forearm instead.
Repeat 5 repetitions per side.
Give these exercises a try at least 5 times per week. It may take several weeks in order to properly perform the modified Turkish get up, but stay persistent. These exercises will teach you how to properly utilize your core muscles.