An Introduction to a Movement Series

It’s safe to say that the majority of us need to move our bodies more often. We know it's good for us. We know that doing so promotes healthy joints and muscles and increases the levels of our “feel good” hormones. If that isn’t persuasive enough, how about this: Moving more often allows us to better physically navigate the world we live in - from activities of daily life to athletic endeavors.

What can we do to move more often? 

Well, walking is the first one that comes to mind. It’s a locomotor skill that offers so many benefits to our mind and body, from helping with digestion to sparking creative thinking. Whenever possible, we should walk. 

Another way to incorporate moving more often is with a Movement Series. I describe a Movement Series, some may call it a Mobility Flow, as a series of movements performed consecutively to open up the body and release tight areas through purposeful movements. 

It only takes a few minutes to realize the benefits, and you can be creative with the movements. 

Here are some things that I think are important to include in a Movement Series: 

  • Whole body movements to increase blood flow throughout the entire body.

  • Trunk rotation and extension to offset our hunched seated habits.

  • A movement to open up the hips. 

  • Special attention to tight areas of the body.

To increase our daily movement practice, a Movement Series can be used as a “Movement Snack” (yum!) that you snack on throughout the day or even used as a warm-up for a longer workout. I recommend you practice a Movement Series and commit it to memory. We are more likely to begin moving when we know the plan. 

Below you will find 3 examples that range in levels of complexity. 

Find ways to incorporate movement into your daily life. You don’t have to commit to an hour long workout. Walk whenever you have a few minutes. For more tailored movement, practice your Movement Series. 

Luciano Petrella