5 Movements to Prepare Your Body For Your 2018 Fitness Journey

Before beginning any exercise program, being able to perform certain foundational movements is a must. I am talking specifically here about the squat, hip hinge, lunge, and core stability movements. If these movements aren’t mastered, you are setting yourself up for potential injury that will derail your fitness goals.

This set of bodyweight exercises will prime your body for your 2018 health and fitness transformation. These exercises will teach you skills that will transfer seamlessly into more advanced exercises and ensure quality movement.

This low impact beginner set of exercises will take you 5-10 minutes to complete depending on your fitness level. For best results, it should be completed daily during the month of January. Performing this regimen every day will increase your mobility, prepare your body for more intense workouts to come, and create a habit of daily self-care through exercise.

The Exercises

Repeat 3 rounds. Each movement should be performed in a slow and controlled tempo:

  • 6 (3 per side) Crossack squats

  • 5 Bodyweight Squats

  • 5 Good Mornings

  • 6 (3 per side) Reverse Balance Toe Touches

  • 6 (3 per side) Bird Dog

Crossack Squats

These are great for hip, hamstring, and ankle mobility. They also help the body get comfortable shifting weight from side to side.

Take a wide stance that you feel comfortable with, push your butt back and begin shifting your weight to one side. As you shift to one side be sure you keep your weight on your heels and keep the knee tracking over the center of the foot. Also, as I show in the picture with the PVC pipe, the upper body should be level. The PVC pipe is touching my head, upper back, and butt indicating that my body is level. Spend a couple seconds on each side and stand tall before transferring to the other side.If you aren’t able to go as low, no problem. Practice shifting your bodyweight gradually side to side at your comfort, stretching a bit each time. In addition, to help learn the movement try to use a moderate to heavy resistance band attached to a door or solid structure.



Body Weight Squats

The king of all exercises. Aids in overall muscle recruitment and strength. Check my blog post Simple Guide to a Better Squat for tips on performing the squat.



Good Mornings

This is a great teacher of the very important body mechanics of bending forward.

Take a hip width stance with a slight bend in your knees and while maintaining a flat back, and hinge forward.Keep the same knee bent as you hinge forward. Go as low as your hamstring flexibility allows and/or your back starts to round, then push from your heels and squeeze the glutes as you pull your body to stand tall. As shown in the picture with a PVC pole, you want to keep the 3 points of contact leveled: the back of the head, upper back, and butt.



Reverse Balance Toe Touch

I created this movement to help with a number of areas, some of which include balance and proprioception, knee strength, and hip hinge. It’s also a great precursor to the lunge. You can learn more about proprioception in my blog post The Silent Contributor

Begin lifting one knee up and with the same leg reach back and touch just your toe behind you. The front knee needs to bend as the other leg reaches behind. Be sure to keep your core activated by taking a breath in as your leg extends behind you to touch the floor.



Bird Dogs

A key exercise for core stability and overall core development.

In a quadruped position (hands and knees) extend the opposite leg and arm. I coach my clients to exhale as they do this to enhance the whole core. Hold each extension for at least 2 seconds.


Remember, patience is key to achieving sustainable health and fitness goals. Accomplish your daily goals of exercise and mindful eating. Don’t set out to drop 50lbs in the month of January. Start with a daily goal of exercise that will take you no longer than 10 minutes per day to kick start your body and mind for the new year.


Here are all the exercises shown in sequence:

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