Challenge your Beliefs
Do you know why trees let go of their leaves in the fall?
They need to prioritize keeping their foundation alive throughout the winter. They can’t afford to keep the leaves alive by continuing to give them energy.
Let’s think of the leaves of the tree as our beliefs that are not playing a positive role in our lives.
Beliefs that have been zapping energy from our system at the expense of our health and/or ability to thrive.
Here are a few examples of unhelpful beliefs that I see in the health and fitness world:
“I can’t get strong or healthy because I have a bad knee, back or shoulder.”
“I can’t lose my excess body weight. There must be something wrong with me.”
“I don’t have the time or energy to commit to a workout plan.”
“If my workout isn’t really intense then I’m not benefiting from it.”
Take a minute to think of an unhelpful belief that resonates with you. It could be health and fitness related or from another area of your life.
Choose one unhelpful belief to challenge by asking yourself 4 questions about it:
Is it true?
Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?
Who would you be without the thought?
These questions are part of Byron Katie’s process of self inquiry into our negative beliefs.
By simply questioning our unhelpful beliefs we can disarm them of their power over us. We can also create new, empowering beliefs that lift us up.